At the beginning of the 90s, when I was about twelve years old, my mother decided to buy us a second hand Olivetti 286 computer. The computer was a hand-me-down from Statistic Netherlands, the company I’m currently working for. I loved the computer from the very start, and especially the games, which came on growing collections of floppy disks (for everyone younger thant 30, those things that inspired the save icon :D). I was so enchanted by those green-and-black games with bleeping music coming from the PC speaker, that I soon decided I wanted to write my own games. I started learning my first programming languages, which had other-wordly names as QBasic and Turbo Pascal. Together with my friend Joep, we spend hours, and countless summer holidays, trying to make yet another idea come into fruition. While we never succeeded to actually finish a game, these days actually were the source of my love for programming and creating things. It shouldn’t come as a surprise then that I choose to pursue a professional career as a software developer.